State Program for the education of young people at prestigious higher education institutions of foreign countries for 2022-2028 (31.12.2024)
According to the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 30.09.2021 No. 2931 on expanding the educational opportunities of Azerbaijani youth in prestigious foreign higher education institutions (Order), the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been instructed to draft the State Program for the education of young people at prestigious higher education institutions of foreign countries to create human capital with modern skills necessary for the rapid development of the country and continue the state support for talented youth to study abroad in this context.
To ensure that the Order of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 28.02.2022 No. 3163 is implemented the State Program for the education of young people at prestigious higher education institutions of foreign countries for 2022-2026 (State Program) was approved.
According to the State Program
According to the relevant paragraphs of the Action Plan for the implementation of the State Program, the list of educational programs in priority areas of the Program and prestigious foreign higher education institutions was prepared by the Ministry, and by the relevant decisions of the Cabinet of ministers, financing of education in foreign higher education institutions and selection rules for young people to study abroad was approved.
Under the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 01.06.2022 No. 217, the Rule on criteria and procedures for the selection of young people to study abroad under the State Program was approved.
Under the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 01.06.2022 No. 218, the Rule for financing education in foreign higher education institutions under the State Program was approved.
Annually, a list of educational programs in priority specialization areas, along with prestigious foreign higher education institutions, is made available to the public after receiving approval through the Minister of Science and Education's order for the upcoming academic year.
In accordance with these normative documents, admission to the State Program for candidates eligible to study abroad is approved through an order issued by the Minister of Science and Education. Consequently, a corresponding agreement regarding the funding of their education is reached between the Ministry and the student.
As of 31.12.2024, on the basis of the orders of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, SOFAZ allocated a total of AZN 96 906.8 thousand to the relevant accounts at the Treasury Department No. 1 of the State Treasury Agency during the year 2024.
In the approved budget of the State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ) for 2024, an allocation of AZN 47 459.0 thousand was approved under the State Program. Of this amount, AZN 47 327.3 thousand was disbursed, achieving a 99.7% implementation rate for the project.