SOFAZ has always been highly valued by reputable organizations worldwide for its transparent activities.
United Nations Public Service Award
In 2007, SOFAZ received the United Nations Public Service Award (UNPSA) for “Improving Transparency, Accountability, and Responsiveness in the Public Service.” The award was presented to SOFAZ at the United Nations Public Service Awards Ceremony, during the 7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government, held on 26-29 June 2007. SOFAZ is the first governmental agency among organizations of the Eastern Europe and CIS countries to receive the UNPSA.
The UNPSA is the most prestigious international recognition of excellence in public service. The United Nations established the award in 2003. It rewards the creative achievements and contributions of public service institutions that lead to a more effective and responsive public administration in countries worldwide.
On 7 March 2003, the UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution to designate 23 June as Public Service Day.
Azerbaijan joined the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in 2003 and is one of the countries that achieved many “firsts” in this field. Azerbaijan has instituted a regular process of disclosing, reconciling, and publishing company payments and government receipts and, became the first country to complete the Validation. The EITI Board designated Azerbaijan as an EITI Compliant country at the 4th EITI International Conference on February 16-18, 2009, in Doha, Qatar. Thereby, Azerbaijan became the first EITI Compliant Country among other candidate countries. Azerbaijan received the “EITI Award 2009” for the commitment to EITI principles and criteria and its achievements in EITI Implementation.